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Description: Teach current events in your elementary classroom, grades 1-6.

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• 海量育兒免費資源,別後悔不早用!
• 查看樂享誌所有免費資源包



  1. Gus on the Go(旅途中的古斯)


“Gus on the Go”是父母和老師中最喜歡孩子的法語APP,它提供14種語言!孩子們通過圖片匹配和其他遊戲等動作幫助古斯貓頭鷹冒險。在進入每個部分的遊戲和故事組件之前,用戶需要完成簡短的詞彙介紹。


Gus on the Go APP特別好的是,它還提供免費的“令人宿醉的飲料”,故事木偶,數字抽認卡以及其他有趣音樂伴奏。

  1. Tchoupi Joue Avec Les Couleurs和Tchoupi Joue Avec Les Lettres(Tchoupi玩顏色和Tchoupi玩字母)




  1. Nathan Maternelle(納唐 幼兒)


Nathan Maternelle是法國的“學前班”APP系列。共有三種針對不同年齡段(3-4、4-5和5-6)的法語學習APP。這三款APP都通過有趣的活動幫助孩子們學習法語,學習數學,閱讀和寫作技巧。


  1. Je lis et J’écris(我讀和我寫)


這個面向兒童的法語學習APP正是創建Jeux pour Lire avec Sami et Julie(與山姆和朱莉玩閱讀遊戲APP)的公司。 Je lis et J’ecris致力於幫助孩子們學習法語以讀寫。這個語言APP的優點之一是它不僅可以幫助學習者掌握字母,拼音和單詞(因此它是很棒的工具!)。該APP中有一個功能,使孩子們可以練習用手指或手寫筆在屏幕上直接寫字母,字母配對和單詞。

我喜歡這個法語學習APP的另一個方面原因是,當法國兒童首先學習草書閱讀和寫作時,它的單詞是草書。 Je lis et j’ecris還提供甜美的韻律和詩歌,以幫助孩子們記住所學。為了使操作更棘手,孩子們在追逐可愛的小兔子時可以更快地練習寫作!

  1. Jeux Pour Lire avec Sami et Julie(與山姆和朱莉玩閱讀遊戲)


Jeux pour lire是法國的APP,適合學齡兒童使用。這個語言學習APP旨在通過一系列針對語音和音節的遊戲來幫助兒童學習法語閱讀。



  1. Mon encyclopédie interactive Dokéo(我的驚人學習圖書館)


Mon encyclopédie interactive Dokéo是6-8歲兒童的互動百科全書。您可以在探究用戶的探索模式或遊戲模式下操作此應用。該語言學習APP分為5個單元:自然,歷史,人體,現代世界,地球和宇宙。每個單元有九個互動場景。


  1. Boukili





  1. Mango Languages(芒果語言)


使用Mango Languages法語學習APP是幫助年齡較大的孩子學習法語的好方法。成人也可以嘗試一下。



  1. Duolingo(多鄰國)


Duolingo是兒童和成人最好的外語學習資源之一。 Duolingo的結構類似於遊戲。如果您已經對法語有一定的了解,則可以“測試”,它會為您提供合適的語言。對於已經具備一定法語能力的孩子來說,這是一個很大的獎勵!



完成迷你課程後,Duolingo會通過獎勵不同的分數和徽章(例如練習語言的一致性,練習時不會犯任何錯誤等)來告訴您您的表現如何。 Duolingo還提供了播客,其中包含有關該語言的有趣文章法語和英語並排的成績單。播客主題更適合青少年到成年人。

  1. FluentU(流利的你)





A language learning app can be a great way to help your child learn French. These apps help kids practice reading, writing, and for some of them, even prompt kids to practice speaking French. In this sense, these apps are especially useful if people in French-speaking countries are not accessible through the community or through travel.

Check out these 10 French apps for kids to get your kids on the right track in learning French!

  1. Gus on the Go

Age: 2-6 years old

"Gus on the Go" is the favorite French app for kids among parents and teachers, and it is available in 14 languages! Kids help Gus Owl on his adventures with action like picture matching and other games. Before entering the game and story components of each section, users need to complete a short vocabulary introduction.

This French learning app is easy from the get-go, takes kids a ton of bonus points, and makes it easy for kids to learn the language for a few minutes while waiting in the doctor's office.

What's especially great about the Gus on the Go app is that it also offers free "hangover drinks," story puppets, digital flashcards, and other fun musical accompaniments.

  1. Tchoupi Joue Avec Les Couleurs and Tchoupi Joue Avec Les Lettres (Tchoupi plays with colors and Tchoupi plays with letters letters)

Age: 2-4 years old

Tchoupi is a well-known figure in toddler toys in French children's books. If your kids love Tchoupi and its daily activities, they will love this French app for kids.

Both apps allow children to try and learn colors and letters. Children can give an overview of their colors or letters in the app before starting activities and games. Fun activities follow, like composing a song in a musical, a colorful artist palette, or coloring two of 9 different fun learning activities.

  1. Nathan Maternelle (Nathan Preschool)

Age: 3-6 years old

Nathan Maternelle is a French "preschool" app series. There are three French learning apps for different age groups (3-4, 4-5 and 5-6). All three apps help children learn French, math, reading and writing skills through fun activities.

This French learning app for kids features activities to help kids identify French vowels, count, match quantities, identify words, and trace cursive letters with their fingers. The event is fast and fun!

  1. Je lis et J’écris (I read and I write)

Age: 4 years and older

This French-learning app for kids is the company that created Jeux pour Lire avec Sami et Julie, a reading game with Sam and Julie. Je lis et J'ecris is dedicated to helping children learn French to read and write. One of the great things about this language app is that it doesn't just help learners master alphabets, phonics and words (so it's a great tool!). There is a feature in the app that allows kids to practice writing letters, letter pairs and words directly on the screen with their fingers or a stylus.

Another aspect that I love about this French learning app is that when French children first learn to read and write in cursive, its words are cursive. Je lis et j’ecris also provides sweet rhythms and poems to help children remember what they've learned. To make the operation even trickier, kids can practice writing faster while chasing the cute little bunnies!

  1. Jeux Pour Lire avec Sami et Julie (a reading game with Sam and Julie)

Age: 6-8 years old

Jeux pour lire is a French app for school-age children. This language learning app is designed to help children learn to read in French through a series of phonics and syllable games.

The "theme" of the app is an amusement park or carnival, which is quite festive! As children learn more, they can progress through four different levels. It starts with basic pinyin matching by clicking, dragging and stamping, followed by decryption and decoding activities.

As simple as it may be, this language app may prove helpful in your work as you teach your kids to read French.

  1. Mon encyclopédie interactive Dokéo (My Amazing Learning Library)

Age: 6-8 years old

Mon encyclopédie interactive Dokéo is an interactive encyclopedia for children aged 6-8. You can operate the app in explore mode or game mode to explore users. This language learning app is divided into 5 units: Nature, History, Human Body, Modern World, Earth and Universe. Each unit has nine interactive scenes.

This French kids app is great for listening comprehension. There isn't any reading or writing, so this is useful for younger children who have a good understanding of French and a mature understanding of the content.

  1. Boukili

Age: 6+

Boukili is a French-speaking Canadian app for kids developed by Ontario-based French and Cultural Education Resources. This is a great language learning app for kids with some basic reading skills.

The app allows children to access age-appropriate stories in French. So many audiobooks or audiobooks for kids don't have many stories, but Boukili has 54 books! Each book includes audio along with text to read with it.

In addition to the stories, there are games and activities that children can do to enhance vocabulary in the stories and comprehension of the stories they hear.

  1. Mango Languages

Age: 12 and over

Using the Mango Languages ​​French learning app is a great way to help older kids learn French. Adults can also try it.

The content is linguist-approved and designed, features native speakers, and contains essential cultural insights, as learning a culture is an integral part of learning a language.

French is taught through a variety of activities, and one of the most creative options is to practice real-world conversations through the app.

  1. Duolingo

Age: 8+

Duolingo is one of the best foreign language learning resources for kids and adults. Duolingo is structured like a game. If you already have some knowledge of French, you can "test" and it will give you the right language. This is a great bonus for kids who already have some French proficiency!

As you enter text or start from scratch, you will be prompted to identify French words while you are entering English words. You may also be asked to translate sentences from French to English and vice versa. There is a native speaker who provides pronunciation for each question, sentence or vocabulary word.

The great thing about Duolingo is that it also gives you the French sentence, you say it yourself, and it evaluates whether your pronunciation is close enough to the correct one!

After completing the mini-lessons, Duolingo will tell you how well you are doing by awarding different points and badges such as consistency in practicing your language, practicing without making any mistakes, etc. Duolingo also offers a podcast with interesting articles about the language and transcripts in French and English side-by-side. Podcast topics are more suitable for teens to adults.

  1. FluentU

Age: 12+

FluentU is an expensive app with monthly or annual subscriptions, but it's one of the most comprehensive language learning tools out there.

What makes it unique is that it uses music videos, movie trailers, news and inspirational speeches for an amazing language learning experience - and a much more fun experience.

This method is especially effective because the learner hears the language because native speakers actually speak the language in everyday life, not a "French textbook".